
Translation and Tafsir of Surah al-Falaq

Surah al-Falaq, or “Dawn” or “Daybreak”, is the 113th and penultimate Surah of The Quran. It is a short Surah, of just five verses, seeking Allah’s Protection from the evil of Satan. Both Surah an-Nas and Surah al-Falaq are collectively known as al-Mu’awwidhatayn, or “Verses of Refuge”.

This article provides full translation and tafsir of Surah al-Falaq, along with Arabic text.

First up, the full Arabic text of Surah al-Falaq:



  1. Say: “I seek refuge with the Lord of the Daybreak,
  2. From the evil of that which He has created,
  3. And from the evil of darkness when it is intense
  4. And from the evil of those who practise secret arts,
  5. And from the evil of the envier when he envies.”

Let us now discuss the Surah in detail, verse by verse.



1. Say: “I seek refuge with the Lord of the Daybreak,

There is difference of opinion on the meaning of the word “Falaq”. However, most scholars are of the opinion that it refers to morning, or the break of dawn. Thus, in this verse, Allah tells us to seek refuge in the Lord of Daybreak, that is, Allah Himself.



2. “From the evil of that which He has created,

Allah tells us to seek refuge from the evil of what He has created, including Hell, the Shaytan (Satan), and other malicious entities.


3. “And from the evil of darkness when it is intense

Allah says that one should seek refuge from the extreme darkness of the night. However, as in the first verse, there is difference of opinion over the meaning of the word “Ghasiq”. Some scholars, such as Ibn Zayd, believe that Ghasiq refers to the setting of the star Pleiades, whereas others consider Ghasiq to be referring to the moon.



4. “And from the evil of those who practise secret arts,

This verse tells us to seek refuge in Allah from the evil-doers, such as those who indulge in sorcery and other forms of secret witchcraft. Since Allah is the Ultimate Authority, once a person is in His Protection, no worldly or outworldly power can do any harm to that person.


5. “And from the evil of the envier when he envies.” 

Furthermore, we should also seek refuge in Allah from “Hasad”, that is, the envy of others. As such, even the most envious people can do us no harm once we seek refuge with Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Powerful.

One should recite Surah al-Falaq often, and seek refuge in Allah from all ills and perils.

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Fatima Younis

Fatima Younis is an Ice Hockey player based in Canada. She often studies the biographies of great historical figures, especially prophets.

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