If you want to know who the best companion in both worlds is, the answer will be the Quran! There is no helpmate in this world and the hereafter other than the Holy Book of Allah (SWT). Even the Rasool Ullah Prophet of Allah has directed us to take the Quran as a guide. According to a Hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has said, “I am leaving behind two things for you. Kitab Ullal (Book of Allah) and my Households (Ahle-Bait). You will never be led astray, if you hold these two legacies I left for you behind.” This shows the benefits of memorizing the Quran in the Hereafter. Uncountable blessings one can feel in his life by learning the Quran in the heart.
7 Benefits of Memorizing the Quran
So, following, we share with you some of the beneficial leverages of the Hifze Quran (Memorization of Quran).
Noor of the Grave
The Noor is the spiritually blessed light from Allah (SWT). The Quran is considered the Noor of Hidayah (Light of Guidance). A hafiz of the Quran is privileged to be blessed with this special Nur. When a Hafiz departs to the next world, his grave will be brightened with a blessed Noor. When he asks, how is this light in my grave? The angels of mercy will tell him that this is the Noor of the Quran you have in your heart. This is the first benefit of the Hifz Quran that a Hafiz of the Quran receives from the Almighty.
Shafi on the Day of Judgement
Quran will be the everlasting companion of its memorizers until the day of judgement. It is reported that a Surah of the Quran will be Shafi (favorer) of the memorizer. On the resurrection day, when Allah will set the Meezan (the weight of deeds), a Surah will come forward to speak in favor of the person who had memorized. In reward, Allah will bless the person Jannah (Paradise). This is the second benefit you will have if you have memorized the Quran by heart. Enroll today in hifz classes for adutls start you hifz journey.
Unending Ajar (Reward) Until the Day of Resurrection
According to the beliefs of Islam, the deceased will be in their grave until they are resurrected. A Hafiz will keep receiving the ajar (blessed reward) before they will be resurrected out of his or her grave. The person will be treated with mercy and blessings in their grave. That is how the Quran benefit them in the grave. Furthermore, the Quran is the protective shield for the Hafiz of the Quran in the grave. So, no worries and fear for those in the depth of burial if they have memorized the holy book of Allah (SWT).
Additional Reward Through Pupils and Children
Allah (SWT) has made this book of Hidayah as the primary source of mercy in the Hereafter. A Hafiz of the Quran will incessantly receive an additional reward for the recitation from his/her children. Not only the children but the recitation of their pupils whom they had taught the Quran will also be a part of his mercy. So, those who teach the Quran to their children and students will also receive an additional ajar (Sawab) in the Hereafter. Therefore, all Muslims should teach the Quran to their children because it is the reward that will keep on getting blessed even after the demise of the person.
Protection From Dajjal Even After the Death
The Dajjal will possess such a confident power that he could revive the dead ones. When Dajjal comes, he will ask the people to believe in him as Almighty (Nazubillah). He will even show his power by giving life to the dead. People with weak beliefs will start thinking of him, except for those who have studied the Quran in their worldly lives. Thus, when Dajjal wakes up a dead one, the true believer will never testify to Dajjal’s power. All this will be possible thanks to the power and blessings of the holy Quran. In other words, Dajjal can never take control of those with a firm belief in the Quran.
A Fire Shield From Hellfire
Quran will also be a fire shield from the Hellfire. According to a hadith, “Quran is gathered in a body (i.e. a Hafiz of Quran) Allah will not burn him with hellfire.” The hadith we mentioned here highlights the significance of reciting or memorizing the Quran and living by its teachings. When a person truly learns the values and principles of the Quran in their actions and moral character, they will have protection from the hellish punishment from Almighty Allah. So, the Quran will help them to be spared from the punishment of the hereafter.
High Rank in Jannah (Paradise)
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) states: “Anyone who learns the Quran by heart and follows the commendable and the prohibited according to it, he will be sent to Heaven by Allah.” This is another one of the optimistic and encouraging benefits of memorizing the Quran in the Hereafter.