How to Memorize Surah al-Mulk? Here is a Simple Guide!

How to Memorize Surah al-Mulk? Here is a Simple Guide!

Surah al-Mulk is among the most beautiful and powerful surahs of the Holy Quran. Allah the Almighty has announced many rewards for those who memorize it. The main topics discussed in this surah are Allah’s Greatness, the consequences of disbelief, and the creation of the universe.

It is also mentioned in many Ahadith that the one who memorizes Surah al-Mulk will be saved from the punishments of the grave. Therefore, every Muslim makes an effort to memorize Surah al-Mulk because of its great benefits and rewards.

How to Memorize Surah al-Mulk?

Surah al-Mulk comprises of total 30 verses and it is famous for bringing peace and rewards to those who recite and memorize it.

1 Start with Understanding

Before starting to memorize, it is important first to understand the meanings of Surah al-Mulk. When you understand the meaning, you are able to connect better with the words and help to memorize them in a better way. This does not mean that you have to understand the meaning of every single word. Only listening to the translation can also serve the purpose. Starting an online hifz course with native Arab tutors is good for proper understanding and learning.

2 Breaking Down the Surah Strategically

The effective approach for memorization is to break the Surah into smaller sections. This approach suggests that the surah should be divided into 5 or 6 smaller sections. Each section could contain 5 or more verses depending on your pace and memory. The verses could also be sectioned according to the theme they discuss. For example, the verses discussing the creation of the universe are put in one section and those discussing the punishment for disbelievers are put into another section.

3 Setting Realistic Goals

You should set goals for yourself each day, especially if you are a beginner. For example, you can set a goal to read one verse a day or a week. This depends on your pace and ability to memorize. The process should not be rushed as it can disturb the memorization process. Setting a realistic goal will help in the process of memorization.

4 Loud Recitation

Reciting loudly helps in the memorization process. This method is used not only in Quran memorization but in other studies as well. Reading out words should be done on a regular and repetitive basis to understand the pronunciation and delivery of words in the correct way. Listening to the audio of Surah al-Mulk can also help ease the process.

5 Regular Repetitions

Repeating again and again is the key to memorization. When you memorize a verse of Surah al-Mulk, you should keep on repeating it until you become able to recite the verse without looking at the text.

“Hafiz method” can also be used to memorize Surah al-Mulk. This method suggests revising the verses that you have memorized on that day. In this method, a new verse is repeated 10-15 times, and then you go back again to the previous verses you have memorized to make sure that they are still in your mind.

6 Writing the Verses

Writing the verses can also help in the memorization process. When you write something that you have learned, it activates your visual memory, thus reinforcing what you have learned. Therefore, it is suggested to write the verses many times to help the memorization process. Moreover, flashcards could also be used. You can write the verse on one side of the card and the translation on the other side. This will not only ease the memorization process but also help you to track your progress.

7 Regular Revisions

Even after memorizing the complete Surah al-Mulk, it is important to revise it regularly. It is very easy to forget what you have learned, therefore, revising regularly is important to help retain what you have memorized. Revising weekly or every 15 days is important to reinforce what you have learned. Revising the surah in your daily prayers or before bedtime is the most effective process to retain the surah in your memory. The more you revise, the easier it will be to retain it in your memory.


Memorizing Surah al-Mulk is not only about reciting the verses but also about making a connection to what the Quran wants to teach us. By following the above-mentioned simple tips, memorizing Surah al-Mulk could become easier. Moreover, always ask for Allah’s help to make your journey easier. Once you memorize, you will find this experience very rewarding and transformative.

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