How to Cultivate Mindfulness as a Muslim?

How to Cultivate Mindfulness as a Muslim?

Mindfulness refers to being fully present in time and increasing awareness of one’s thoughts, emotions, and actions. It is to develop a deep connection with Allah. In today’s hectic and busy life, believers must apply mindfulness and consciousness to enhance their relationship with Allah. We will explore mindfulness rooted in Islamic teaching that leads to a more balanced, fulfilling life. This article aims to understand the cultivation of mindfulness, incorporating practical techniques into daily life.

Understanding Mindfulness

In Islam, mindfulness refers to muraqabah, the awareness of one’s relation to Allah. It involves consciously engaging in Islamic practices like praying, Quran recitation, and contemplation, in a focused and mindful manner. We know we lose focus while praying or reciting Quran, and by cultivating a conscious mindset, one can control their wandering minds and desires.

Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest. [1]

This verse can provide insights into the emphasis on remembering Allah and how this mindset will send tranquility and peace to the heart. Islamic perspective on mindfulness can help train our minds for self-reflection, gratitude, and self-discipline. Therefore, it can enhance our worship and daily activities. It can mend our relationship with Allah and increase consciousness of His presence in our daily routine.

Developing a Conscious Mindset

It will alleviate memory, focus, and concentration in building our relationships with people.  It will help with mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, stress, and emotional reactivity. Acquiring mindfulness is recognizing the problem and the knowledge of Allah. One has to know the soul’s capacity to commit errors or mistakes. As such, individuals should also understand the actions done for the sake of Allah.

[Ihsan is] to worship Allah as if you see Him, and if you do not achieve this state, then at least Allah sees you. [2]

Some of the predecessors said: Whoever is mindful of Allah Almighty in his thoughts, Allah will protect him in his limbs. [3]

Self-reflection and introspection of one’s actions and thoughts. It encourages the development of a conscious mindset. An individual can seek forgiveness, exercise, meditation, and strive for discipline. Mindfulness plays a vital role in this process. It allows awareness to individuals of their emotions and intentions.

Deliberation is from Allah, and recklessness is from Satan” [4]

Silence and seclusion surely help individuals self-reflect on their actions. It also allows you to remind yourself of the presence of Allah. For instance, the Prophet Muhammad PBUH visited the secluded cave to comprehend and get a break for a particular time.

Then let him seclude himself in his private nook, limiting himself to religious obligations and supererogatory acts. Let him sit and empty his heart of every concern: neither scattered thoughts of reciting the Quran, nor pondering over its explanation, nor the books of prophetic traditions, nor anything else. Let him strive to not think of anything concerning his affair except for Allah Almighty, continuing to sit in seclusion while saying the name of Allah constantly, with the presence of heart… Upon that, if his intentions are true, his concerns are in order, and his diligence is improved, he will not gravitate to his base desires and will not be preoccupied with idle self-talk (hadith al-nafs) related to the world. The reality of the Truth will shine in his heart. [5]

It is important to seek knowledge. Individuals should be aware and knowledgeable of such a mindset. It is essential to develop a conscious mindset as a Muslim. By Quran, Hadiths, and the lives of righteous scholars, Muslims can have an in-depth understanding of Islamic principles and practices.

Believers are encouraged to consider the consequences of their actions, and how they affect themselves and others. Decision-making is essential to get benefits or confers welfare to people. It is an advisable act. We also should practice to conscious and mindful in our daily worship acts.

One should also indulge in seeking forgiveness and gratitude. It will help an individual to be mindful and act accordingly. It will enrich their concentration. Allah knows the heart of people, He knows the whisper of Shaytan. One must invoke themselves in repentance when such thoughts distract believers. Even the Prophets were prone to the whispers of Shaytan, and therefore we should know only Allah can help us.

We have created humanity and We know what his soul (nafs) whispers to him. We are closer to him than his jugular vein. [6]

It is said that it means the Prophet (PBUH) had intervals of distraction from the remembrance of Allah, as remembrance was his normal state of affairs. When he had a period of inattention or distraction, he would consider that sin and seek forgiveness. [7]

Practising Mindfulness in Daily Life

Mindful everyday activities: performing ordinary daily tasks with mindfulness like cooking and cleaning. They can change these duties into chances for relaxation and self-reflection by bringing awareness and focus to them.

Involving exercise in our daily life could build mindfulness as it requires concentration. It is the awareness of your body’s needs and gives freshness and energy. It makes one less prone to procrastination, unfitness, and less active. Individuals can, for example, devote their attention to jogging or walking.

Meditation is a great way to enhance mindfulness in everyday life. One can acquire a stronger sense of awareness and inner serenity by spending a few minutes each day sitting in a quiet location, focusing on their breath, and observing their thoughts without judgment.

One should be mindful way consuming their meals. Mindful eating also plays a role in one’s daily life. Paying attention to what you consume has an impact on overall your mood and body. Eating too much or less both are dangerous for our health. One must know their hunger and satiety signs. Individuals should be present while eating and chew slowly and carefully.

The Messenger of Allah said:

A human being fills no worse vessel than his stomach. It is sufficient for a human being to eat a few mouthfuls to keep his spine straight. But if he must (fill it), then one-third of food, one-third for drink, and one-third for air. [8]


In Islam, mindfulness encourages being fully present in acts of worship, engaging in self-reflection, and expressing appreciation to Allah. Through mindfulness, believers can create a profound sense of presence, gratitude, and self-awareness. They can adopt a mindful mentality based on Islamic principles.

Overcoming obstacles of wandering minds, distractions, and stress, a believer could cultivate a strong sense of presence, find peace in remembering Allah, and live a more conscious, meaningful, and fulfilling life.

May Allah lead us down the path of mindfulness and grant us the strength to cultivate mindfulness.


  1. Surah ar-Rad:28
  2. Sahih Bukhari: 2/50
  3. al-Risālat al-Qushayrīyah: 1/330
  4. al-Sunan al-Kubrá: 1865
  5. Iḥyā’ Ulūm al-Dīn: 3/19
  6. Surat Qaf:16
  7. Sharḥ al-Nawawī ‘alá Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim: 2702
  8. Ibn Majah: 3349

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